Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Picture Day.

One of the most dreaded days of school. 

People always try and wear their favorite shirt and wake up an hour earlier just to make sure that they can do their makeup perfect. But the funny thing is, no one really looks like themselves on picture day. 

It's actually kind of important if you really think about it. No one is going to remember what you did at junior homecoming. But they could just whip out their yearbook and look at your school picture.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Giving Up. Not a want, a must.

What I want to know is why I continue to hold on to you, when you clearly moved on and don't spend your valuable time thinking about me. You showed your friends our place so you can do something that I never approved of you doing. That clearly shows that you don't value us anymore. You lost your chance to have me by doing that. I hope you finally realize that I am done. I know I've said that before, but I'm pretty sure that I am ready. For real this time. Every time I see you talking to another girl or with another girl in general, I feel like I get the wind knocked out of me. I am tired of that feeling. I am tired of having feelings for you. I really want to move on. Seriously. Give me room, cause I'm gonna need it.

He makes me happy. You really don't understand. I know that you don't like him, and that isn't why I like him. He has a personality, and his own ideas. He tells me how he feels, he doesn't just talk to me. He will help me forget you, and that is what I really need right now. Just being talking to him makes me feel beautiful. I don't feel like I have to force myself to be anything that I am not.