Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Emily Pavilonis i hobe julie perri and everything that comea with hr. hahah that's whaty she saiddddd.

Heather Reichl
Heather Reichl
der der der. my names emily and i think its cool to drink without heather and sam. bitches!
Emily Pavilonis
Emily Pavilonis
You didn't even get to bed like I told you to. tsk tsk
Kimberly Pavilonis
Kimberly Pavilonis
I was going to... but Neopets distracted me. Oops.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I am not going to let you play me like you've played so many girls before. I'm not like them; I'm not dumb. I refuse to used by someone like you. You don't want me? Wow, you're stupid. Have fun with that slut. I'm everything she's not. I can give you everything she can't. Too bad you aren't with me, cause then you might actually have a chance of getting some of what I have to offer. You lost your chance. I'm moving on.